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2013 in Review

Here we are on the last day of the year 2013, looking back on all that was fun and good here at 2CreateinColor this year! Category by category, we’re sharing our favorite projects PLUS one of each other’s, too.

This year saw a lot of changes in both our lives — Sam having her first baby and Gail greeting an empty nest. Looking through the first posts of 2013 reminds us of how life used to be different, a mere year ago. One thing that hasn’t changed is that we constantly are thinking of the creative way to solve a problem, change something up, use a new tool or product our own way, do it better ourselves… in other words, the reason we created a blog in the first place — constant creative ideas and projects — has survived :)

In no particular order, here’s the best of how we2 created in 2013:

House & Home

Nursery Tour_0003

http://www.2createincolor.com/2013/07/29/nursery-tour/  This post serves as the top choice for both of us!

Sam says:

The top post in House & Home had to be the nursery tour!  I did so many projects this year to go into the nursery, and this post features them all!  I’m still in LOVE with the chevron closet doors, and I adore the alphabet on the wall.  (BTW… if you ever install an alphabet in a room you spend a lot of time in… be prepared to have the ABC’s song stuck in your head for weeks)  I love this room, I love that I got to create it, and I love that I get to share it with my baby girl!

Gail says:

Even though this particular post was Sam’s, I have two projects in there that I worked hard at: the curtains and the letters. I stitched up the curtains for Sam at her house after shopping for the fabrics with her, and Sam’s brother Robert (spray paint pro!) and I sanded and painted the letters. Sam and I spent a couple hours arranging the layout and finally putting them on the wall. Creating that layout was so much fun! The second row being “elemenoh-pee” was Sam’s idea so it’s her fault that the Alphabet Song stays stuck in her head ;)

The Paper Pile

Sam says:

http://www.2createincolor.com/2013/01/17/will-you-be-my-valentine/  This card was my favorite paper crafting project this year.  It was quick and simple, but I love when a design and color scheme just come together to make a project whole.  I used this layout for another card this year too, and could definitely see using it again!


Gail says:

http://www.2createincolor.com/2013/09/24/paper-bargello-experiment/ I loved this experiment with striped paper that overcame me during an organization session of my papercrafting supplies — for me, the happiest kind of projects happen suddenly!

The Craft Room

Gail says:

http://www.2createincolor.com/2013/07/09/cq-nametag-finished/ I literally adore my little crazy quilt style nametag I wear to my quilt guild meetings :) I am still a wannabe crazy-quilter and didn’t make as much progress in this craft this year as I had hoped to. But seriously, this nametag makes me smile every time I see it!

CQ nametag  | 2createincolor.com

Sam says:

http://www.2createincolor.com/2013/01/28/simple-statement/  I love this bracelet!  I’ve worn it several times this year and gotten compliments on it as well!  I love when a home-made project gets fawned over!  I’m still digging the rose-gold chain too!

Yarn & Yardage

Gail says:

http://www.2createincolor.com/2013/08/23/the-skittle-quilt/ Hands down, this quilt for Abbi aka Skittle was the most fun, stress-free, and creative sewing project I did all year. It came together quickly, turned out how I wanted it, and even though I used a pattern I got very creative with it. One of the few quilts I have actually finished ;)

A peek of Skittle, who is finally HERE, with the Skittle Quilt (number 1)

Sam says:

http://www.2createincolor.com/2013/04/22/basic-crochet-slipper-pattern/  Duh!  Second year in a row these slippers have taken my top post in this category.  While I had other fun sewing projects this year (with my new sewing machine!) I have to name this my top post because it gets the most blog-traffic and it was my first time writing a crochet pattern… that people seem to actually be following!  Crazy!  Might have to break out my pair of slippers to cozy up my feet this winter!  Or maybe it’s time to make myself a new pair!  :)

Eat Drink & Dessert

Sam says:

http://www.2createincolor.com/2013/05/13/leftovers-i-want-to-eat-for-days/  Because truly I wanted to eat these leftovers for days.  And believe it or not, as I said in the post… “it was far less stressful to me to plan a 7-recipe, 5-course meal for 8 people than coordinate a restaurant reservation for all of us…”  (In less than 24 hours I might add)  Does that tell you how much I love to cook for my family?  And this meal was truly the pinnacle of some of the tastiest food I made this year!


Gail says:

http://www.2createincolor.com/2013/05/14/asparagus-asparagus-risotto/  Bring on the asparagus, please! When I was reviewing this category, I saw all these yummy things that were candidates (didja notice how I snuck a second link in here? *wink*) but as soon as I saw my Asparagus Risotto I was done looking. This was the tastiest food I created this year!

Life & Style

Sam says:

http://www.2createincolor.com/2013/08/22/back-from-labor-day/  This was also an easy post to pick for top of the category, as this was my biggest life-changing moment of the year (of my life!) that I got to share with you readers:  when our little Abigail was born!  She is now four and a half months old and I can’t believe how time is flying!  Looking forward to sharing more “life” moments with you next year… in fact I’ve already got ideas in my head about her first birthday party!  ACK… ok, I do… but I’m still totally enjoying this stage that she is at right now… smiley, happy, total personality… and not very mobile yet!  :D

Abbi 004

Gail says:

http://www.2createincolor.com/2013/05/03/mini-bouquets-from-my-herb-garden/ Useful things as beautiful displays sums up quite a bit about my style. From being awed and fascinated by things that grow from the earth — I snap close-up pictures of plants and flowers ALL the time — to sharing my casual gardening style to learning some things about photography with this post, it is my favorite. Plus, the alternative was my menu planning post LOL

The Studio

Gail says:

http://www.2createincolor.com/2013/02/19/desert-inspiration/ I was undecided between two posts for this category, a zentangle/doodle art one and a photography one. So since Sam the photographer chose a refined-doodle (which I’ve been doing far longer than her) I decided to go with my photography post. I should maybe be embarrassed to do so, but I’m not. I’m not afraid of showing my learning curve, nor my sometimes lofty, reflective, or philosophical ramblings ;) Besides, it was not only a fun photoshoot opportunity, it was a great day with my husband and other daughter Becca!

Twinkly cactus!

Sam says:

http://www.2createincolor.com/2013/10/10/doodle-while-you-work/ Can you believe it, I’m not choosing a photography post for my favorite Studio post this year!  Mom got me hooked on zentangles, or refined-doodling as I like to call it.  I definitely want to do more of these next year, don’t you think a whole notebook full of zentangles would be kinda fun?  ;)

Each other’s posts

Sam says:

My favorite of Mom’s posts – The maternity gown! I dreamed big and Mom totally delivered! She helped make my fantasy whimsical dress a reality for my maternity shoot!  I will treasure these photos that resulted from the creation of this dress forever!

http://heatherballisonphotography.com  Texture and details of the underlayers make this way more interesting -- see the ruffled taffeta layer?

Gail says:

Even though I visit Sam often enough to sample and enjoy her food creations — they’ve been many and delicious — I like this outfit the best of her posts! Why? It reflects so much more than just a sewing project: her determination to sew at 7 months pregnant with pregnant brain ;) and a still-unfamiliar sewing machine; her sense of style that is particular and important; her intrepid nature shining through in her making this outfit with no pattern, but just brainstorming and discussion with me as well as internet info. Plus, I’m tickled to see her sewing, sharing my main thing. Plus, to bring this back down to earth, she’s just so darn cute in those pictures!


There are our favorite bits of creativity, large and small, from 2013. Cheers to 2014 and more to come!

Happy New Year!

Sam and Gail

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