2Create in Color »

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Babies and Babies and BABIES, oh my!

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Seriously.  Babies.  There must be something in the water here.

In my book group alone, there are 5 us with babies!  3 of which were all born in about the last month!  And that’s just my book group… let’s not get into all the other people I know with new babies, or babies on the way!  Eeeep!

And my favorite project… I think you should be able to guess this by now…


Here are the plans for the last one I showed you, and the next two:

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I always plan them out ahead of time, so I know what fabric I want to use where, and whether I want the same layout on both sides (only 1 so far… I was too scared to match up seams!).

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I’m really excited to show you the covers these fabrics end up making, and I’m already excited to pick out the next round of fabrics for a couple more after that!  (I think I’ll have made 7 covers total by the end of the month!)

And I’m sorry if the project is getting slightly redundant… but hey, it’s what I’m creating at the moment… and aren’t these fabrics cute?!


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