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Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

While wandering through the interwebs a few nights ago, I stumbled upon this free class. I love typography (and a good pun) so I watched all 5 episodes of Joanne Sharpe’s “Five Golden LetterRings.” Sam and I have been casually working on improving and *liking* our own handwriting efforts for a couple of years, so I found the class quite inspiring.

When it was finished I didn’t have any intent to do any of the projects shown, but this kind of thing tends to lurk around in the back recesses of my mind and brew up some inspiration that explodes out at random moments. Kinda like Friendship Bread starter when you forget to burp it.

When I was done playing with my toys and making those Christmas Tags a few nights later, I picked up that Krylon Pale Gold Leafing pen and started playing around with it some more. I had such fun experimenting with it and some colored paper, holiday words, and my own spontaneous writing — no measuring of spacing, or practicing first…

… except for this project! I did do some practice runs for this project since I wanted my writing to fit inside the green die-cut frame.  And be good enough to display: not perfect, but good enough and full of character!  Then I selected the papers I wanted to use, making sure I had extra sheets of the one I was going to write on in case I needed to try again.

Lucky for me, my practicing paid off and I only needed one try. Which was good because it was almost 2 am by this point.

All I was lacking at the table was a full sheet of cardstock in a good color for a backer, so it sat there amongst the clutter of my evening’s efforts for a day. I eventually went through the rest of my cardstock, selected the gold, and finished it off 2 days later! I like it!

Something new and fresh and handmade every year keeps me from getting tired of the permanent collection of decorations we also use. This is one of this year’s fresh decor pieces. I think it will sit on a small easel… errrr, somewhere!

I’ll be finishing my decorating along with my two younger kids (Sam’s sibs!) when they arrive, as per my son’s request, so this not-so-festive-yet area of my house will eventually be all tricked out in Christmas!

Please be sure to –

“Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas!”


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